Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dazed - Front Cover - Analysis

Dazed, formerly known as 'Dazed and Confused' is a British monthly magazine founded in 1991. It covers music, fashion, film, art and literature. It is published by Dazed Media, which is an independent media group.

On the front cover, there is one image that takes up the majority of the page which emphasises how the artist is the main focal point. The image is a medium close-up of Zayn Malik, this choice of positioning connotes that the editor is attempting to get the reader to relate to the artist.

The masthead is big, bold and red at the top of the page. As it is partially concealed by the image, this suggests how well-known and established this brand is in the magazine industry as the complete title isn't required for the readers to recognise what magazine it is. On the other hand, it could suggest that the image of the artist is enough to attract a reader to pick up the magazine due to his established status and fan base.

The layout is very simplistic and easy to go through, with it only consisting of four pieces of text and one image. This highlights the minimal approach the editor wants to present to the readers. The abundance of space on the page makes it more aesthetically pleasing for the reader's eyes and makes it easier to understand.

The writing of 'ZAYN' goes downwards on the left side of the page, and the font's colour being black with red outlines against the white background makes it easily noticeable for the reader. It's positioning right beside the image of the artist, automatically associates the two, which is effective at emphasising his solo act, following his departure from One Direction.

The relaxed style of Zayn with the piercings, buzzcut and leather jacket present him as a cool character with a freeing aesthetic to the reader.

As the artist is looking towards the camera and not facing away, it puts the reader at eye level with the artist they are going to read about. This statuary confidence that Zayn portrays in this image extenuates how he is already a well-established artist in the music world.

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