Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kerrang - Double Page Article - Analysis

This is a double-page spread taken from Kerrang Magazine
The main image is of the musical duo Twenty One Pilots and it takes up the whole left page.

The colour scheme of this double-page spread is very similar to that of the rest of Kerrang Magazine, with the use of the colours red, black and white along with the uses of bold fonts. This keeps the design of the magazine consistent throughout for the reader.

Additionally, as the target audience of Kerrang is fairly young, it means readers are not really willing to read something that isn't plainly written in front of them. The editor made a clever choice in making the whole spread as interesting and colour-vibrant as possible, without ruining the accessibility of the actual text and article.

There is a quote that takes up the majority of the right page in a big and bold font saying "MY NAME IS BLURRYFACE AND THIS IS THE LYRICS ISSUE!', this relates to the duo's album titled Blurryface and links to how in the article, they will be discussing the album. The quote is intended for the fans of Twenty One Pilots as they would know exactly what Blurryface is whilst other readers would be confused.

The article structure is very similar to that used in most double-page spreads as it is presented in a small font meaning it may be more difficult for certain readers.

There is another main image of the musical duo Twenty One Pilots in the middle of the spread. There are columns of text on both the left and right pages around the images.

The article itself actually spans across three pages with the majority of the spread consisting of large images. This choice to have large images on the spread was intentional as the readers of the magazine aren't really people who read as a hobby, so the excessive use of images keeps the readers enticed in the article. Even though the article is kept to a minimum, it still manages to provide the readers with a good amount of information and description of the feature artists and their album.

The article is written in a reasonably chatty style that keeps the atmosphere of the spread positive and relatable to the readers. This style of writing stays consistent with the bright aesthetic of the front cover.

The pullout quote is "I look at lyrics and music as moments where people can take things they're struggling with and unleash them". Quotes are becoming more of a convention in double-page spreads now as they are used more frequently. The final part of the quote 'UNLEASH THEM' is in a larger font in comparison to the rest of the quote, highlighting the powerful message behind the quote.

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