Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Wire

The Wire is an independent print and online music magazine covering a wide range of alternative, underground and non-mainstream music. Its first issue was published in the summer of 1982 and has been issuing monthly in print ever since. Its website was launched in 1997 and an online archive of its entire back catalogue became available to subscribers in 2013.

The Wire celebrates and interrogates the most visionary and inspiring, subversive and radical, marginalised and undervalued musicians on the planet. With genres ranging from experimental rock and electronica to nu jazz and free improvisation.

The magazine itself is available at all good newsagents and record shops in the UK. It is also available at large retailers in the US and Japan. The website explain that the best way to get The Wire is to subscribe (£55 for print and digital). If you subscribe to the magazine; you receive each new issue by direct mail, get access to the complete archive of back issues, receive exclusive free CDs and downloads regularly, all while saving money on the cover price.

More recently, The Wire published an issue covering music during the COVID-19 pandemic, with famous composer and vocalist Diamanda Galás on the cover. The cover shows her behind a glass window, most likely referencing the nationwide self-isolation brought on by the pandemic. 

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